15 February 2008


4 months on the road and we just couldn't hold out any longer to get a haircut. Spurred by Amanda's desire to get some streaking done (and Erica's prodding), we hit the uber-hip Llongeras salon in Palermo (with branches in Spain and France and etc.) for a triple appointment.

The robes and the service was top notch, but let me just say that if you are getting your haircut by someone who doesn't speak the same language as you ... you're gonna just get what you get basically. Even my decent Spanish didn't have enough vocabulary to include words you use at a salon. What's the word for "mullet" in Spanish?

Amanda had "fun" with her color job ... Erica fared extremely well actually and I got a chop job that I'm none too fond of, honestly. The communication was difficult ... bordering on comedy. Que sera sera! Thankfully I have no photos of myself to share.

Before and after. Check the hotness!

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