24 December 2007

The Present

So i was hanging out at a sidewalk cafe today, xmas eve, by myself. I was having a cortado, two actually, (espresso with steamed milk—i like mine with extra water so its larger and lasts longer) and reflecting on life, right now. Of course, you, my very loved ones, immediately came to mind. In some ways, it takes leaving your world to appreciate your world and the people in it. I was overcome by the desire to be with you in some manner; to share space during a time of year that i typically downplay. You are especially on my mind and in my heart this day. Thank you so much for being in our world, supporting us, loving us, and doing your thing. We would not be the individuals we are without you and you are with us and in our hearts often.

In an effort to bring you here, i wanted to share my favorite things about this time and Buenos Aires as of today:

Days with nothing to do. There is not the slightest bit of anxiety that goes with having your entire day to do with as you please. The vastness with which your spirit gets to release is akin to getting to spread out like a starfish on a great big bed by yourself (after snuggling, of course).

The impact a friendly smile or a warm encounter has when you are starved in a big, foreign city. My server today was so unusually warm and repeatedly, sincerely referred to me as 'corazon', which means 'heart'. Experiencing warmth in a typical climate of aloof and fabulous was almost overwhelming, in a lovely way.

Leafy, sidewalk cafes with big umbrellas, incredible coffee, world-class people-watching, sunny blue skies with a nice breeze, and a good book.

The ability to focus on your book due to not being able to understand or be distracted by the conversations around you. A benefit indeed to the language barrier!

Gorgeous, detailed, antique architecture, doors, and balconies from times & places my culture has not known. Such history, influence, and pride expressed through these structures and fixtures.

If there were one thing i could transfer from me to you right this second it would be the gratitude and presence i am feeling. Warmest wishes and love to you over the holidays and new year . . . you are missed!

1 comment:

journey said...

hey there, le smoosh! glad to see you are doing well in beunos aires. for some reason i thought you were in baja. enjoy the travels.