12 October 2008

Pollen on the Food System

From Michael Pollen:

"This Sunday's New York Times Magazine will carry my open letter to the next president, outlining a new food and farming agenda. It's called "Farmer-in-Chief" and it was just posted on the New York Times website at:


My intent is to inject these issues into the public debate, especially during the transition, by demonstrating that it will be impossible for the next Administration to make progress on energy independence, health care costs, or climate change without comprehensively addressing the problems of the food system.

I hope you'll take a look at the piece (as well as the rest of the issue, which is terrific) and share your reactions.

All best,


1 comment:

annie said...

I heard you speak on NPR and was so excited to hear someone speak with such common sense. My husband and I have seen the farmland here in Kansas swallowed up by suburbia for years and wonder if anyone is concerned about this plague - you offer so many insiteful ideas for improving and creating a significant change in our food production. I do pray that the powers that be get on board!! You should run for something!!!!
Thank you