01 March 2009

Fashion Sighting

We stopped into the Lloyd Center mall the other day just to peruse around a bit and when we were in Macy's we saw a group of African American dudes just going nuts in the Polo section. Three of the four of them were already wearing bright colored Polo or iZod shirts ... and they were going through the selection like kids in a candy store.

Really? When did urban black guys go preppie? I felt like I was in some alternative universe. Why modern black dudes would be so stoked for crusty white guy golf wear ... is ... just beyond me. I wore that stuff when I was a 16 year old young Republican in the 80s ...

Wierd. It's like ... fashion just has these distinct cells that you can just buy into ... and suddenly you're wearing all this 80s shit ... or all this iZod/khaki shit ... I wonder if there'll ever be an original concept to happen or if we're just going to be endlessly recycling these stupid ironly-laden fashion trends.

And the ethnic thing is just kinda wierd. This is clothing created by people who don't let black people into their country clubs. And that's what you wanna rep? I don't get it.

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