09 March 2009

Animal Care and Cruelty

Been reading a lot lately.

Here's a good article by David Foster Wallace (author of "Infinite Jest") on eating lobster.

Here's one from Gourmet about advances (and resistance) in chicken care/slaughter.

If you're going to eat meat, you should really be as informed as possible.

We're getting some chickens in about a month (hens ... egg layers ... ) here at the house so we can have organic nonrefrigerated eggs (chickens turn compost into eggs!) from humanely raised birds. They taste a hell of a lot better, are way cheaper than buying storebought organic ... and the birds get to live in a way that they're meant for ... not stuck in an awful industrial system.

BTW, we do have a semi-humane mass producer of broiler chickens here in the Northwest ... namely Draper Valley ... marketed locally I believe under the Ranger label. Not perfect in their approach by any means but better (and more local) than Foster Farms.

BTW, about lobster ... if you're going to eat them ... ice water first (or the freezer). Some people talk about a knife to the forehead but there's no real reason to believe that works because of the diffuse nature of the nervous system. Some people also say that warm water for 5 minutes knocks them out. Just don't boil them alive ... that's fucked up.

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