25 February 2009

Obama's State of the Union

Wow. Talk about powerful. Obama completely murdered it on the pulpit tonight and I again felt the tremor of tears welling up as years of feeling ashamed to be an American ... years of frustration and anger at the state of our country fall away. I don't have any illusions that one person or one administration can fix the problems that face us ... and I don't even necessarily care about the same things that mainstream politicians care about, but god DAMN is it nice to have this guy up there. Dude is an absolute ROCK and I can't remember ever feeling so good about the home team. I can't ever remember feeling this amount of respect and I'm so freaking relieved to feel like there's an adult in the White House!

Not to mention that dude has some serious oratorical CHOPS. Dude is easy on the ears, lemme tell you. Check it out HERE. Check out the 30 something standing ovations. Check out the total power moves left and right. Check out the quiet (embracing Ruth Bader Ginsberg extra long (she's just back from surgery for cancer)) (or the standing ovation just at the mention of Michelle Obama) and huge moments (talking about Senator Kennedy). Damn I'm fucking tearing up again!


Now ... it kinda breaks my rule about spending time focusing on idiots, and why dwell on this huge high point, but did anyone catch the GOP response segment delivered by Bobby Jindal?? Oh. My. God. You have to watch this. This is the GOP rising star?? Dude is younger than me and can't speak his way out of a wet paper bag! I never thought I'd ever utter these words but I would have seriously preferred to listen to Sarah Palin.

Soooo fucking wrong on soooo many levels. First and foremost the inaccuracies throughout are just incredible ... life has continued on unabated for the Republicans and bald-faced lies still get thrown around despite the lightning quick ability of the Internet to fact-check their statements in real time (live blogging!). It's like, they're just not fucking taking this seriously at ALL.

Though I guess it's not surprising to feel like they take us for morons because ... well ... they're morons.

And talk about a total lack of any cogent message. All Jindal did was read (again) from the TATTERED first page of the GOP playbook like the Pledge of Allegiance. Seemingly unaware that the entire approach has been (a) discredited and (b) voted out of office. It's like they're just a bunch of zombies reciting the same shit over and over. Right after Obama talked about his tax cuts for 95% of Americans here comes Jindal talking about how the Democrats are for higher taxes. Are they ... just ... deaf?? Or ... what the fuck? The Republicans just completely live in a wierd fantasy bubble where things are just very different than they are here in reality.

And of course ... worse even than the substance of his speech was the entire delivery, which I couldn't handle at all. Made my skin crawl! Is this guy doing a children's book or is that how he talks to adults?? Holy shit, I can't believe this dude is for real!

I just tried to watch a little bit of it again and OH MY GOD I had to turn it off!!

I mean, whatever, I don't care. The worse they look the better but I was just blown away at what a shit-show that speech was on every level. No wonder Schwarzenegger is talking about switching parties!

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