17 May 2008


So ... we went to see Obama speak when he was in Bend ... thanks to Erica's endless connections ... we were able to slide in (sadly in front of people who were clearly more fired up than I was) and get a nice seat.

Definitely an EVENT for Bend, you know? National politics center stage at Summit High School. CNN trucks all around. Secret Service guys ... the whole deal. Definitely gave me the chills when he took the stage to a standing ovation (one of six). The Source ran a cool article this week about it that u should check out: http://www.tsweekly.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2822&Itemid=66

What did I think? Mmmm ... the guy is definitely a smart dude. Smart, committed, focused, eloquent, charismatic and definitely inspirational. For a politician. I mean ... he's for sure like twice as cool and twice as interesting and sharp than your typical politician ... and that was a breath of fresh air. Did I smell the stink of politics about? For sure. I mean, yeah. But at least it was like ... mostly substance and a lot less spin. Really refreshing. Very stoked to see this happening and for the promise of a better future. His rhetoric was inspirational as well as being focused. I don't at all agree that he's just "a good speech" (though it does take a good speech to move people). He was super nuts and bolts and proposals and plans. He's very anti-war and pro diplomacy and communication and very international in his focus.

He's also very honorable. He had good things to say about Hillary and McCain ... honoring them for their contributions but remaining steadfast that he thinks his approach is best. He's very anti-division ... instead opting for a lot of talk about unity and so forth, which is really really nice. Importantly ... this being a bi-partisan country ... I feel like he can get more done in a bi-partisan environment than Clinton ... she's just a bulldog and tends to make a lot more enemies. I feel like her reputation is mad tarnished at this point even with the Democrats after running a disturbingly negative and racial campaign and the Republicans definitely don't like her either. She gives me the friggin' creeps, personally. Zero sincerity, all spin and politics and negativity.

:: shudder ::

Speaking of race ... it's just really fucking annoying to realize that we as a nation have completely failed to transcend race. Have u been following the results in West Virginia?? Oh my god! Hillary bolstered on the backs of racists. That's great! I can't believe we're still talking about race. We've gone from slavery to segregation to civil rights to affirmative action and yet, as of 2000 fucking 8 we're still not past talking about the color of someone's skin. It's crazy. What the FUCK?! ((Especially considering that Obama is bi-racial ... his mother and primary parent through his life is white (his father left and went back to Kenya when he was 2 and didn't see Barak again really)).

Barak Obama is an *American* just like everyone else. He's a self-made man who has spent years and years of his life working for the betterment of this country, which is a *lot* more than you can say about most people. Graduated with honors from Columbia, and Harvard ... distinguished years as a community organizer and Senator. Exactly *what* is there to say? People need to look at the man for his life and his accomplishments and his approach to the job at hand and quit talking about the color of his skin. It's fucking OBNOXIOUS. His credentials are as impressive as they are impeccable ... his approach is fresh and inspirational and there's still a ton of people who can't get on board because of the color of (half of) his skin. Makes me want to fucking scream.

ANYWAY, really cool to see the rally go down in Bend. I was impressed with the guy. He spoke clearly and easily from the hip and is clearly very bright and very fired up. And over the course of his hour long speech, he didn't really make me roll my eyes at all, which is saying something. He consistently had the right answers (in my opinion) and wasn't afraid to stand behind them. Twas pretty cool.

Check the video of it on YouTube. Nice to see new things happening in mainstream politics. I mean ... I'm not turning in my Green Party card yet, but it's still nice to see some cool shit happening in the dog and pony show. Now if Hillary would just make herself scarce.


1 comment:

Chris said...

generational shift time. First candidate we've seen who doesn't feel like rearguing what happened in 'Nam or the '68 convention. McCain very much wants to reargue that. Are the peeps ready to talk about something less stupid for a change? we shall see... -el fuego